A few weeks ago we enjoyed a great Southern meal
ribs &
fried green tomatoes.
To top off this great meal we made Creole Pecan Praline Bars.
Ok there are some lessons in this recipe.
Lesson 1: First we will start with the word "creole". To the buttas, they associated creole with spicy foods. Mama Butta stated that creole is simply a culture - not a location, we asked - but a way that group of people lives/lived and their style. Another, example would be the Gullah culture. Creole type foods typically are spicy, but this was a creole dessert - did I lose anyone or confuse you yet?
This is what freedictionary.com had to say:
1. A person of European descent born in the West Indies or Spanish America.
a. A person descended from or culturally related to the original French settlers of the southern United States, especially Louisiana.
b. The French dialect spoken by these people.
3. A person descended from or culturally related to the Spanish and Portuguese settlers of the Gulf States.
4. often creole A person of mixed Black and European ancestry who speaks a creolized language, especially one based on French or Spanish.
5. A Black slave born in the Americas as opposed to one brought from Africa.
Lesson 2: How to pronounce creole pecan praline bars.
Pecan: pee-can or pa-con.
Praline: praw-lean or pray-lean
It was a mix in our group how to pronounce it - to each their own I guess! Any thoughts on how you say it?
Ok enough lessons and time for the recipe and the pictures!
This recipe can be a little time consuming so grab a buddy, a glass of wine or both!
After the crust is formed line up the pecans in rows.

We had 3 set of hands lining these babies up!
Be careful - this topping is hot, hot, hot! No one wants a hot sugar burn!
Ready for the oven!
Either place into the fridge after baking like the recipe states or simply let it cool on the counter while you eat, drink and chat with the girls!
When cool, use a very sharp knife to cut it into pieces - we did 2 to 3 pecans per square. Mama B shows a great way to do it!
After we had tasted our squares, our lovely supper guest for the evening, Mrs. Mary Keenan, said "We certainly didn't spare on the butta!" The bars are very, very sweet. Mary had the great idea of adding kosher salt to the bars and it made it even more amazing!!
Hope you enjoy the bars! Here is the recipe:
Creole Pecan Praline Bars
4 oz. (1 stick) unsalted butter
1/4 tsp. salt
1 packed cup light brown sugar
2 cups sifted unbleached flour
9 oz. (2 1/2 cups) large pecan halves
Adjust a rack to the center of the oven and preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a 9 by 13 by 2-inch pan as follows: cut a piece of foil large enough to cover the bottom and sides of the pan. Turn pan upside down. Center the foil over the pan, shiny side down, with your hands press down on sides and corners to shape the foil. Remove foil. Run some tap water into the pan to wet it all over. Pour out all but a tablespoon of the water (the wet pan will keep the foil in place) Place the foil in the pan and press it against the bottom and sides - DO NOT BUTTER!
In a mixer, beat the butter until soft. Add the salt and sugar and continue to beat. Next add flour. Beat until the tiny crumbs are formed that will hold together to make the crust.
Turn the mixture into the prepared pan. With fingertips, spread the mixture to form a level layer. Press down firmly to compact.
Place the pecan halves touching each other, flat sides down - in all the same direction to cover bottom layer.
2 oz. (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter
1/3 packed light brown sugar
In sauce pan place butter and sugar. Stir over high heat until mixture comes to a hard boil. Once boiling, keep stiring for about 30 seconds or so. Pour mixture over the pecans, trying to coat the entire surface.
Bake for 22 minutes. Refrigerate for an hour or more. Turn out, peel off foil and cut with a very sharp knife.
Serve at room temp.
Also - we thought these would be great dipped in chocolate!!